Kids Electric 4-Wheeler Quad Christmas Gifts, 3-5 Years Old, MP3 Music Player, 12V Battery Powered

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Babyjoy 12V Battery Powered Kids Ride On ATV Electric 4-Wheeler Quad Car w/ MP3 & Light 



Looking for a driving toy for kids’ birthdays or other festivals? Don’t miss our kids’ ride-on ATV(suggested for ages 3-8 years old).
Cool ATV look and attractive colors offer kids endless fun. 4 anti-slip and wear-resistant wheels allow kids to drive smoothly on different road conditions. With 2 powerful motors, it is able to reach a speed of up to 2.7 mph. Besides, kids can easily operate the vehicle with functional buttons of the central panel. Bright headlights, built-in music and horn also make their driving more interesting. What’s more, wide footrests and smooth seat enable kids to feel comfortable when they ride. The toy car also has passed ASTM and CPSIA certifications. This ride-on ATV not only brings kids tons of fun, but also encourages them to explore the outside world and builds up their self-confidence.

2 powerful motors and 12V rechargeable battery to reach 1.4/2.7 mph speed
The forward/backward button and high/low speed button make it easy to operate
Anti-slip handlebars to control its direction
Foot pedal for convenient acceleration
Bright headlights, built-in music and horn for a fun driving experience
4 anti-slip wear-resistant wheels for safe and smooth riding
Ideal for lawn, beach, wood floor, cement road or asphalt road
Front carrying handle for easy movement
ASTM and CPSIA certifications add more security
Premium PP material ensures high durability
Comfortable seat and wide footrest for more comfort and safety

Color: Yellow
Material: PP, TPR
Overall Dimension: 37.8″ x 22.8″ x 27.6″ (L x W x H)
Seat Size: 14″ x 7.5″ (L x W)
Speed: 1.4/ 2.7 mph
Charging Time: 8-12 Hours
Suitable Age: 3-8 Years Old
Applicable Height: 31.5″-51″
Load Capacity: 77 lbs
Net Weight: 30.9 lbs

Package includes:
1 x Kids Ride on ATV
1 x Charger
1 x User Manual

 ▌ Contact & Returns:

If you have questions about purchases from us, please feel free to contact us through Aliexpress’s Message Center.

Items should be returned in their original product packaging and all accessories in the original shipment must be included if you would return the item.

 ▌ Shippment:

• Free Standard Shipping on all items.
• All orders are shipped out via UPS, USPS or LTL.
• Transit time is 2-7 business days varying on customer’s location to fulfillment center.
• Tracking numbers will be automatically updated once order is shipped.
• We only ship to the Lower 48 States, no current shipping to Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, nor Guam.
• We do not ship to FPO, APO or PO Boxes.


Shipping & Delivery


We are proud to offer international shipping services that currently operate in over 200 countries and islands world wide. Nothing means more to us than bringing our customers great value and service. We will continue to grow to meet the needs of all our customers, delivering a service beyond all expectation anywhere in the world.

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes. We provide free shipping to over 200 countries around the world. However, there are some locations we are unable to ship to. If you happen to be located in one of those countries we will contact you.

What about customs?

We are not responsible for any custom fees once the items have been shipped. By purchasing our products, you consent that one or more packages may be shipped to you and may get custom fees when they arrive to your country.

How long does shipping take?

Shipping time varies by location. These are our estimates:
Location *Estimated Shipping Time
United States 5-20 Business days
Canada, Europe 5-20 Business days
Australia, New Zealand 5-20 Business days
Central & South America 5-25 Business days
Asia 5-20 Business days
Africa 5-25 Business days
*This doesn’t include our 1-3 day processing time.

Do you provide tracking information?

Yes, you will receive an email once your order ships that contains your tracking information. If you haven’t received tracking info within 5 days, please contact us.

My tracking says “no information available at the moment”.

For some shipping companies, it takes 2-5 business days for the tracking information to update on the system. If your order was placed more than 5 business days ago and there is still no information on your tracking number, please contact us.

Will my items be sent in one package?

For logistical reasons, items in the same purchase will sometimes be sent in separate packages, even if you've specified combined shipping.

If you have any other questions, please contact us and we will do our best to help you out.


Order cancellation

All orders can be cancelled until they are shipped. If your order has been paid and you need to make a change or cancel an order, you must contact us within 12 hours. Once the packaging and shipping process has started, it can no longer be cancelled.


Your satisfaction is our #1 priority. Therefore, you can request a refund or reshipment for ordered products if:

  • If you did not receive the product within the guaranteed time (45 days not including 1-3 day processing) you can request a refund or a reshipment.
  • If you received the wrong item you can request a refund or a reshipment.
  • If you do not want the product you’ve received you may request a refund but you must return the item at your expense and the item must be unused.

We do not issue the refund if:

  • Your order did not arrive due to factors within your control (i.e. providing the wrong shipping address)
  • Your order did not arrive due to exceptional circumstances outside the control of (i.e. not cleared by customs, delayed by a natural disaster).
  • Other exceptional circumstances outside the control of

*You can submit refund requests within 15 days after the guaranteed period for delivery (45 days) has expired. You can do it by sending a message on Contact Us page

If you are approved for a refund, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment, within 14 days.


If for any reason you would like to exchange your product, perhaps for a different size in clothing, you must contact us first and we will guide you through the steps.

Please do not send your purchase back to us unless we authorise you to do so.

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